Author Archives: admin

Studio study
Examining possible connections & interactions between the artwork, a constant work-in-progress.

2013 – 2014 [selected work]
This selection is also available for pdf download:


Objects 2014
some objects created in 2014

erasures & deletions 2014
cover-ups, erasures, mutations & deletions from 2014

Detail [2014]
While working i often noticed that a detail of the image sums up the idea or ends up being better then the whole painting. In most cases the artwork remains intact, i have cut some completed paintings into pieces but this can only be an interesting approach in specific cases. In general i fear that […]

ex-hib-its [blog] – [http://ex-hib-its.blogspot.com]
Link to the blog ex-hib-its . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . […]

MFA Haifa university @ Tel-Aviv
Final MFA show @ Hamakom gallery, Tel-Aviv, July, 2014

$89.00 Dollars
This project started with the idea of an attractive price, not too cheap, not too round, the price of a gadget for men, tempting [coz its actually worth $100] but its only $89.00.

The symbol of a graphic crown, the same one that is based on a real crown, turns from flat icon back into the physical, these crowns did not fall off the head of a king or the logo of a proud brand. Created using scrap wood, resting quietly on the floor.

2014 paintings
Painting and drawing on found objects, 2014. Photos taken for the catalog of the MFA final show.