This is the link to my exhibits blog [ex-hib-its.blogspot.com] I try to keep this as updated as possible and even add some older exhibits as i stumble upon documentation.
This is the link to my exhibits blog [ex-hib-its.blogspot.com] I try to keep this as updated as possible and even add some older exhibits as i stumble upon documentation.
screenshots from a photo of a CCTV monitor
Examining possible connections & interactions between the artwork, a constant work-in-progress.
Final MFA show @ Hamakom gallery, Tel-Aviv, July, 2014
My 2nd pyramid project, the taller one was 6 meters high, created with Yuval Shapira, at Hearat Shulayem, Jesus Hilfe, group show, Henssen art center, Jerusalem.
A group show that reacts to the permanent display of relics, I chose to display my sculptures under the glass cabinets showing the ancient origins of the images and the context they represent. the painting: “holocaust survivors?” (taken from a facebook post “a future that never manifested” by Avi Pitchon) אובייקטים המתיחסים לדימויים הלקוחים מעולם ההון והשלטון, עשויים משאריות […]
created as part of my MFA studies at Haifa University 2012 – 2013 Bike Ride, an interactive art installation that looks and functions like an over simplified video game. once the user presses the only available button he/she experiences an accident.
Site-specific permanent painting at the Haifa University, main building parking lot. 2013
מכונות של תשוקה התשוקה לחיים היא מכונה משומנת. היא אובייקט של התנסות וייצור. בשל כך קיומה כפול: היא נמצאת גם בתוך האדם המשתוקק וגם מחוצה לו, מכוננת אותו וההפך. היא מתקיימת בתוכו, אולם היא על מסלול חיצוני לו – אשר מפעיל, מנהל ומארגן את חייו, חיינו. לעיתים קיומה בעולם מביא לתוצאות הנתפסות כחיוביות, אך לעיתים […]
Commissioned by The Victoria & Albert Museum, London. for the DECODE exhibit at the Design Museum, Hulon, Israel.[November 2011 – March 2012] This device records the visitor’s voice, snippets from the voice are sent to a speech recognition software that converts the voice to text, this text [appears white & at the top] is then fed […]
DEVICEs & Occupation Loop Triptych installation, Ministry of Culture prize winners group show, Petach-Tikva Museum of Art, 2012. The triptych is projected from three identical structures representing the occupier, the animation is projected on recycled cardboard [previously used for a paint job] that is framed with rough wood. The three black pillars are somewhat obstructing […]
part of Manofeem festival, Mamuta Art center, Jerusalem, 2012. DEVICE performance, is an anti-performance created with the assistance of Ben Oppenheim, it is divided into four parts, but it does not start at a specific point in time nor does it end. 1. placing the devices on the stage & positioning the lights that determine […]